Tuesday 24 April 2012

Self Belief

If you've recently entered the realm of internet marketing (or are thinking about entering) this article is for you. There is absolutely nothing more important to your success as an internet marketer than self-belief. You have to have a vision of what you want to achieve, and you have to believe that you will achieve that vision no matter what, and no matter how long it takes. Any internet marketer or online guru worth mentioning has struggled to get to the level of success they're now at. Most in fact actually have some pretty incredible success stories to tell. Probably the most well-known of them all, Mike Dillard, struggled for literally years trying to make it in the business. He didn't give up when he didn't make it in a month, or two months, or three months... or even a full year. Why? Because he saw others creating incredible success online and saw no reason why he couldn't do the same. If anything should lead you to believe in yourself and achieve your goal of financial freedom, it should be this fact. Many people today are creating absolutely massive wealth online, and the fact is, most of them are doing it with relative ease. No there is no one "secret" or special tool which will help you achieve your goals... and if you come across some "get rich quick" scheme promising you such, close the page and move on. What has led these gurus to success online is an accumulation of knowledge... a knowledge of how to attract people to want to work with and buy from them. Thankfully for those of you just starting, or looking to get into the industry, this knowledge is quite readily available. The fact is however, that most newbie internet marketers still don't get it... they try their hand at something, don't see quick results, then give up and call the whole system a scam. What many of you have to realize is that you probably WILL struggle before you achieve success... regardless of what information you're provided with. You will have to refine your skills... you will have to find your niche. Maybe you've tried your hand at one form of marketing and gotten nowhere... well no problem... move on to the next until you've found what you ARE good at. There is no doubt in my mind that anyone out there can make it as an internet marketer... the key is persistence. You don't have to be a genius... you don't have to be a rocket scientist... you simply need to want it bad enough to take control and make it happen. People with all sorts of backgrounds have made it in the industry... waiters (Mike Dillard)... salespeople (Jay Kubassek)... landscapers (David Schwind)... marines (Michal Force)... and so on. The difference between these incredible successes, and the 97% who fail, is that they wanted it more. They wanted it and they didn't give up until it happened for them. If they can do it, you can do it... and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. So don't lose faith if you struggle a little bit... persist, push forward, and don't give up until you're a success too! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3559523

1 comment:

  1. I agree. There are a number of ways people make money online. It is hard to start with though. Once you are in the progress, you will be learning much more than you were taught. Here is a guide: http://thisisitearnmoneyonline.blogspot.com/

