Tuesday 31 January 2012

Inspirational quotes

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” – Vince Lombardi

“Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You’re the only one who can do it permanently.” – Zig Ziglar

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

Hi everyone.

These quotes are so right. It is now the end of January and one month gone of the new year already. When I am feeling a bit down and unmotivated I look at inspirational speakers and what sense they make. All it takes for us to become successful is NOT GIVE UP. Keep going and you will eventually win.

If you are looking to start a money making project online then you have made the first step in coming and looking here. All you have to do is enter your name and e-mail address in the box on the right and four free products will be on there way to your inbox to help you get started.Go on take the first step.

Good luck in all you do.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Have A Laugh - Funny Jokes Blog: RECESSION UPDATES

Thought we could have a laugh and chill out. I think we have to remember to do this when we are so busy trying to make a better life for us all. Good luck in whatever you are doing. Just click on the heading for more jokes.

Funny Jokes Blog: RECESSION UPDATES: 1. Ali Baba and the forty thieves are now Ali Baba and the thirty thieves. Ten were laid off. 2. Batman and Robin are now Batman and Ped...

Thursday 5 January 2012

Tips on Starting an Online Business From Home

More and more people are turning to the internet as a way to earn a living, can it really work? Lets take a look and see for ourselves. To anyone starting up, even the thought of setting up a business online working from home is daunting, after all, you will have no work mates, no supervisor to guide you, no boss saying when you should start and when to stop, so the very first thing you will need is...
Self Discipline. By this I do not mean simply setting your start and finish times of working, though this can be hard enough as there are numerous distractions when working from home, but also being disciplined with things like cost, so the next thing you will need to establish is a budget. Of course your size of budget, will greatly determine the amount of work required to be done by you personally, outsourcing some of the work will obviously lighten your workload, but there will be costs involved, so decide what your budget is and stick to it. However, as I stated in my opening statement, more people are turning to the internet to start an online business from home due to redundancy or job loss so have no budget, don, t worry, it is still possible to start a business from home with very little startup money.
Next I strongly advise setting goals. This is important as it is your road map and structure to your progress. It is important to not just dream about your goals, but write them down, time frame them, set out where you want to be in one months time, in six months time, and where you want to be twelve months from now. Do you want a part time business, that ticks over nicely, or do you want a fulltime business to replace your previous income, and more.
Finally, everything we have talked about so far is all well and good, but if you are new to online marketing, Where do you start? So the third thing you will need is knowledge. This can be the most precarious of all, because there is SO much out there, and it is so easy to swiftly become overloaded with advice, ebooks, courses, etc, etc, again this is another example of where discipline is needed, choose a course of action, and stick to it. There are so many ways to start a business online from home that they cannot all be covered in one article, but it is important to find a path of knowledge and guidance that suits you, and stick to it. There will be times, as in any business, when you get frustrated and down, we all do, but stick with it, accept that you will make mistakes, learn from them, and you will succeed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6739624

Monday 2 January 2012

Why Goal Setting Can Make a Difference in the Way You Live Your Life

Goal setting is one of the most fundamental philosophies in life that you should give importance to if you want to give your life a purpose and direction. The world is full of infinite possibilities. You can design your life in any way you want and it all starts in creating a plan and establishing your goals. Your goals can determine the degree of success that you can experience when you have achieved them. What is your goal? There are short-term goals and long term goals. Whether it is a career goal, a relationship goal or a weight loss goal, setting your goals deliberately will yield more positive results.
A lot of people are caught up in the hullaballoo of everyday activities that they miss out on the opportunities that are only achieved with careful goal setting. Sure, a lot of people have big dreams in life. However, most of these dreams will become just that - pipe dreams. The problem is most people do not take serious action to achieve their dreams and goals in life. They leave it all up to lady luck to do the job and blame it on bad fate later on when things go wrong. If only people make concrete goals and follow through it no matter how difficult and sometimes impossible it may seem, there would be more happy people in the world.
So why is goal setting important? How can it make a difference in your life?
For one, it can give your life a purpose. Your life will become more meaningful when you are driven with passion into achieving something that will add value to your life. The way to achieving your goals may not be easy, but with great faith and determination you will get there. You can create your own roadmap towards your goals. This will help you to stay focus and conscious of the road you are treading on. Without a goal, you can easily get off track and before you know it you are lost in the web of life.
Secondly, goal setting can save you precious time. When you have already mapped up your goals, you know which direction you want to take. Hence, you will spend your time wisely and allot most of your time doing the things that are in line with your goal. Most people are living in regrets because of the wrong choices and actions they made in the past. While it is true that people learn from their mistakes, a time lost is gone forever. Hence, we need to spend our time wisely.
Goal setting also promotes self-development, creativity and brings out your potential. When you want to achieve something, it will motivate you to think smartly and creatively. You will devise and find a way to achieve it. Your goals will enable you to get out from your comfort zone and explore opportunities. Hence, one of the greatest rewards of having a goal is also acquiring values in life during the process which will help shape your personality and attitude for the better.
Goal setting is therefore a great way to add purpose, direction and meaning to your life and bring out your fullest potential while helping you achieve satisfaction and success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6786192
