Tuesday 7 February 2012

Past Experience in Home Businesses.

Hi Folks,
As I sit at my computer in my cosy spare room I remember a few years ago when I got started in Amway. There are a few of you out there who have probably tried Amway and there still maybe some people still doing it and I have absolutely no regrets about being involved with the company. Infact I met a lot of lovely friendly new people and also bought some fantastic products from them (and sold too, may I add). Good luck if you are still there.

Anyway what I am going to say is that as it was a multi level marketing concept we had to find people willing to get involved wth us. I remember being so fired up about it at the time and I thought everyone MUST get involved. Was I wrong!!!!

It started out with a few friends getting started and we thought this was great. I started to go to people's houses and show THE PLAN as it was called. This was to get everyone together and show them how it worked just as I had been shown. I thought I was great!!!.

We liked the products and we started to sell some of them. They even started to let us sell mobile phones. This was in 1997 though.We got to 12%level and I thought this was even better.

There were a lot of meetings and follow ups and it took quite a lot of your time in the evenings. I remember being out most evenings doing something.

I saw a lot of people come and go (most went) from our group anyway. To cut a long story short we eventually came out of Amway. Whether this was right or wrong I don't know but it felt like a lot of hard work. Perhaps I wasn't focussed enough or had my goals sorted out.Who Knows. Maybe IF eh!!!!

Me sitting here at my desk seems to be a lot easier than going out every night.I dont actually have to be anywhere at a given time. I don't have to sell loads of physical products.It all seems so much easier with the internet.

I have tried a lot of ideas to make money online and also some offline with no success, but when I look back and see how much effort I put in doing Amway, i have to reflect and say if I put as much effort in now I will be successful.

There are a lot of business ideas out there.I know all I have to do is keep doing the things that successful people do and I will become successful.You will to.
Just get a mentor who is WALKING THE WALK. If you do and you follow them and stick with it you WILL become successful too.

Hope you have enjoyed this experience. Please comment and let me know your stories. Let me know how you are going to become successful or maybe you are already (Hope so)!!1


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